Environmental Protection

SRL considers the creation of a sustainable and environmentally friendly society as one of the most essential issues of corporate management. Since November 1999 when our Environmental Protection Policy was instituted, we have actively undertaken environmental protection activities such as energy-saving, natural resource preservation and reduction of waste and other environmental burdens under the leadership of our Headquarters. In the course of our activities, we received ISO14001 accreditation, the international standard for environmental management, at nationwide laboratories. SRL will continue to promote enhancement of environmental management systems in pursuit of more environmentally friendly business practices.

Promoting Environmental Conservation

SRL recognizes that not only environmental conservation in each locality but also global environmental conservation are important theme for mankind as well as all living creatures on the earth. Recognizing that the creation of a sustainable social system with a low environmental load is an important task for business management, SRL will promote environment-friendly business activities together with activities designed to realize a better global environment through the promotion of the saving of energy as well as resources and the reduction of waste.
January 1, 2017
Shunichi Higashi
President and CEO
SRL, Inc.